Pixel art of the R-Type R-13A "Cerberus" .
I like R-Type games and their ships too!
This is also my fave R-Typer of all!
fighter from …
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Pixel art of the R-Type R-13A "Cerberus" .
I like R-Type games and their ships too!
This is also my fave R-Typer of all!
fighter from arms maker Warrick Inc. was radically different from all
the previous R fighters. The ambitious design incorporated innovative
technologies, such as a Wave Cannon with homing ability and a cable-type
Force. The pilot interface also introduced groundbreaking technology.
The pilot's nervous system connects directly to the fighter's system.
- The Legend Of Kayla R. Typer
has been told of one of the best female fighter pilots of an R-13A was
sent to investigate the Bydo Seed Indecent in 2164, but all
communications ceased just as the mission was completed. The military
never made an announcement about the lost. The story also goes as far as
saying the female of the R-13A is still alive somewhere in the area and
has been seen in recon missions with photos. Every ship ever sent to
the same location never returns and all images/pictures show a somewhat
R-13A inside a Bydo tree. Reports from video show that the R-13A is
able to break lose from the tree and attack those that come close. Some
say that the female pilot of the R-13A is the one inside the ship that
attacks incoming hostiles and resides in the Bydo tree when not active.
Most claim she isn't dead but only left there as a "Last Standing" Bydo
forest guardian. Other researches have indicated she is also under the
control of the Bydo and is aware of her actions. But no one knows for
sure why the Bydo keeps her alive.
Force Type
Anchor Force.
Red: Shade a.
Blue: Search B.
Yellow: Terminator Y.
Wave Cannon
Lightning Wave Cannon with two loops maximum charge.
Round Bit.
Shadow Bit.
Support Weapon
Proton Missile.
Depth Bomb.
Scatter Bomb.
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