by: evileliot
Added 11 years ago
Format: Daz Studio *.daz *.ds *.dsb, Daz Studio 4.5 ( *.duf *.dson)
Categories: Anime, Clothing, Fantasy, Props
Usage Rights: Limited use with credits
EvilEliot »
Gallery | More DAZ Studio |Added 11 years ago
Password: zpierrg2013
This is The Piscis Zodiac Armor for Daz Studio Genesis figure. tested on Daz studio 4.5 and 4.6. contends the Armor props and a …
Format: Daz Studio *.daz *.ds *.dsb, Daz Studio 4.5 ( *.duf *.dson)
Categories: Anime, Clothing, Fantasy, Props
Usage Rights: Limited use with credits
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I have a question, is there any way to use it in poser? I would like to try it in poser, adapted to v4. Thanks.
Hi Rover1 Hey Great render, i see some problems with the shoulders and the knees on Cancer Armor, could you tellme if you aply Transfer Utility again ??, or is an exportation problem, you must drag the armor over genesis other way it loads wrong. or maybe is the version of Daz studio, that could helpme alot to fix that problem. thanx.
I had no big problems just that password thing just copy and paste and you can adjust the materials with shaders but I left as is
Hi IceEmpress when you load all the armor you can delete each part from the scene, if you want only the chest delete the other props, select the prop on the scene hierarchy and press delet.
Hi CHACORNAG i understand you solve your problem with the arme right ?
Hi assanik yes the material is a bit bright with some lights you are welcom to change the material bright, i set it like that to obtain the best results with obnifreeker UberEviroment Lights they are free and come with Your DazStudio
Hi sassanik, please drag the armor from content and dropit over genesis figure now the armor will follow genesis pose. if you just make doble click over the armor it dosent load fine.