by: arjin
Added 11 years ago
Format: Poser (.pp2), Poser (.pz3)
Usage Rights: Unrestricted use
Categories: Architecture, Backgrounds, Props, Scenes
Arjin »
Portfolio | Gallery | More Poser |Added 11 years ago
CardiffPt2 for Poser (PC/ Mac)
Poser model by: Arjin
This model is based on the Millenium Center, Mermaid Quay, Cardiff Bay, and Architecture which is seen …
Format: Poser (.pp2), Poser (.pz3)
Usage Rights: Unrestricted use
Categories: Architecture, Backgrounds, Props, Scenes
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Raters : 28 Views: 8,252 Downloaded: 1,725 |
Tip: You could easily reduce the size of this package to half or less. There are three files in the Texture folder which are not needed: .BridgeCache, .BridgeCacheT, & .BridgeSort. These are just cache files (normally invisible) which Adobe Bridge creates. The .ZIP only compresses .BridgeCacheT by more …
1. You need to make it more clear that some of the files in part 1 are necessary for part 2.
2. Several files (MC6 and PZ3) include references for "Street Map.jpg", however, the actual file name in the package is "StreetMap.jpg" (no space between the words) This will cause a file search and manual more …