by: tdfotw

The Wicked »
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Added 11 years ago

I was impressed by how well the M5 genitals fit Genesis for my ... particular needs ... as a Daz artist. Obviously, the folks over at Daz want to stay …

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Format: Daz Studio 4.5 ( *.duf *.dson)
Categories: 3D Models, Anatomy, Male, Morphs, Props
Usage Rights: Unrestricted use
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VoltisArt (5 years ago)Inappropriate?
Note the comments for this go back 6 years. This product, as it says in the title, is for Genesis or Mike 5, not Genesis 8. Keep your miffing to not reading the label on the package. :P
THspidrling (5 years ago)Inappropriate?
Can't use these. Not enough support. No clear instructions. I found a youtube tut showing how to load content that is 3rd party. Now this shows up in DAZ Content My Library BUT, all the icons are black with white triangles and exclamation points. I load g8, I click I get nothing. WTF? There is obviously something you have to buy from DAZ Studio in order for any of this third party stuff to work. more …
sapphirefire (6 years ago)Inappropriate?
Man, the instruction in file is so misleading. I keep loading my model yet there are no dials for male gen. I even get the error "data/daz 3d/genesis/male genitalia/genesis male genitalia.dsf".
bambooji (7 years ago)Inappropriate?
Very useful. Thanks a million! ;)
sametra (7 years ago)Inappropriate?
thank you so much awesome
ACE814 (9 years ago)Inappropriate?
I followed the "read me" instructions, however, for both male & female, when i load gen2, it comes up a error items can not be found. this is even before i even load a character. please help. Adding these types of morphs will majorly improve looks and realism. Sorry and thank you.
feel free to email me
goddessviolet (9 years ago)Inappropriate?
@wally723 Not out of the box. They need some kind of work done to make them compatible, and unfortunately, it's not as simple as renaming files or otherwise monkeying with such mundane, top-level settings. The files themselves have to be edited somehow, and I'm not sure how to do it. Furthermore, the creator has been MIA for some time... and I'm not sure where and if similar morphs more …
wally723 (9 years ago)Inappropriate?
Do these morphs also work on Genesis 2 Male Genetalia?
sidewaysfrank (10 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thanks you :)
taglag (10 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thx U very much! I am lost using them some times there are so many, but they are very useful. I love them.
Now what I need are Genesis, and Genesis 2 mouth morph's, LOL
I actually like the Versatility of Genesis 1 best, I guess big D could not sell enough stuff if did not make two gender's.

G 2 is sucky as has no easy match up with male part's.
Aevangeline (10 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you very much! This is exactly what I've been looking for. :3
The Wicked (10 years ago)Inappropriate?
Wow! I've been neglectful! So many comments unanswered!

@Loco4lolita - *kicks dirt* Aw, shucks don't go inflatin' my head like that ... thank you! No plans on G2F yet honestly, though. =(

@Doom47 - You're awesome!

@Alligattor - I'm glad you got it working! I'm so sorry I didn't answer sooner! Busy, busy!

@Fredora - And thank you for leaving such a more …
loco4lolita (10 years ago)Inappropriate?
VERY NICE!!! And now I must concur with some of the posts below. G2M, as well as G2F, desperately need your skills.
loco4lolita (10 years ago)Inappropriate?
Somehow I misunderstood your Readme file. I thought you wrote when we load Genesis, then your parameters would show up (meaning under Genesis). It's in the genitals where your dials show up. All's well.
loco4lolita (10 years ago)Inappropriate?
The parameters are not loading for me. I've tried both M5 and genesis.
Doom47 (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
This is awesome!
Alligattor (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
I'm sorry. I understood, It works with pre-installed 3d model. It's all works. Thank you. And sorry again.
Alligattor (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
it's a real problem. I do like you say in "Redme". But DazStudio say
"The following files could not be found:
/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis/Male Genitalia/Genesis Male Genitalia.dsf"
That file i can't find in yor pack.
p.s. sorry for my english ;)
Fredoragnar (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
Marvelous results with these beautiful morphs. Thank you very much for all your morphs and your Art!
The Wicked (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
@Gypsy - Check out the readme and follow the directions listed there! If you are still having trouble, please use the email address listed in the readme and give me an idea of what it is you're having trouble with! Help me help you!

@CarmineRose - Do I know yooooouuuuu? ;D
CarmineRose (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
Trouble how? After installing and the loading your gens, the morphs should be present.
gypsydoe (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
having trouble loading need help.ty
The Wicked (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
@ Sarsifus - You're very welcome! Everyone be sure to email me any suggestions you may have! I'm going to be adding more genital morphs in the future, so submit your ideas now!
Sarsifus (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you very much. Finally some decent morphs for the GnM gens.
The Wicked (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
@Javier - If someone wants to GenX these morphs, they're more than welcome! Unfortunately, I have too many things I'm working on at the moment! I don't think you guys will complain with the next "Wicked 100" morph set I have planned. ;D

@Alexa - Many welcomes!

@Alexa - Many welcomes!

@Alexa - Many welcomes!

@Alexa - Many welcomes!

@Marknexx - I use 4.6 more …
marknessBITCH (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
is it gonna work on 4.6?
alexakis4 (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
Many thanks for this great morphs.
alexakis4 (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
Many thanks for this great morphs.
alexakis4 (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
Many thanks for this great morphs.
alexakis4 (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
Many thanks for this great morphs.
JavierMicheal (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
Would be awesome to see m6/Genesis 2 male
with the morphs also cause it would be awesome.

Please and thank you.
The Wicked (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
@Shadowman - Much obliged! Make me proud and put em to good use!

@Paschal - Love the name ... unfortunately, I have no current plans to update these. I just now am graduating to Genesis, and I'm afraid that going further might risk my hipster status. =P

@Vata - You're welcome!

I would love to see the devious scenarios you all put these through!
Vata Raven (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
thank you for these morphs
paschallanigan (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
thank you very much these are awsome. could you do the same with m6 gens
BackDoor3D (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
Oh, awesome! Thank you. :)
The Wicked (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
chris_os2000 (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
***** THANKS

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