by: alninja

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Added 11 years ago

the Japanese bow. (the props are not perfectli scaled SORRY)... good work Tom San.

Format: Poser (.pp2)
Usage Rights: Unrestricted use
Categories: Historical, Props, Weapons
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shorterbus (2 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you so much!
Thebes (3 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you. :)
Nik_52 (4 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you.
Nightrunner (8 years ago)Inappropriate?
Not perfectly scaled? Piffle. That's what Poser has scale adjusters for! This is an awesome find.
GrouchoCaesar (10 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you.
DrLincoln (10 years ago)Inappropriate?
I can't properly express my excitement at finding this, and for free! Thank you.
alninja (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
never say never... good work Zigraphix.
zigraphix (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you so much! I have been looking for a model like this for months. With poserclub gone, I thought I would never find one.
static (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thanks you, this is great. If I'm not mistaken, another benefit of this bow was it could more readily be used on horseback.
alninja (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
thank you ..
3DCheapskate (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
Wonderful! Just had to have a play - it works rather nicely with Michael 3
Tomokatu (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
You may find videos of Kyudo and Yabusame to be informative (wanted to post links but couldn't)
shante (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
I have never seen a true Japanese long Bow my only experience being with European long and short bows and recurves of all ilks. Just didn't make sense having center of pull offset like that. But I will defer to more experienced minds.
I am profoundly sorry everyone. Thanks for the learning.....and the bow! :)
alninja (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thanks to everyone (including Shante) .. :)
Tom (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
shante san, For the archery having improved the tool for the hit of the target, Kyudo put a base to the bow of the old times in japan, in deference to the form of the bow used as sacred treasures from the ancient times. The reason to set an arrow at the position that slipped off with a long bow below the center, This is because it demanded the bow which can more strongly shoot a long distance in more …
IceEmpress (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
Shante: The Yumi is supposed to be shaped that way. Supposedly it was more useful when crouching, or something.
Maladjuster (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thanks for another fantastic piece of work, alninja!

Hey Shante- Japanese bows are asymmetric. Check out images of real "yumi" and you'll see the proportions are similar to this prop.
shante (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
Nice prop but as an archer myself for years, it seems the grip is off center which will release the arrow way off target. Is the grip adjustable on the bow itself or is this some trick due to the way it was rendered?
alninja (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
grazie Tom, thank you Tom...
Tom (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
Bravo!! Thank you very much. This is a bow(Yumi) of true Kyudo. Kyudo (��) is the Japanese martial art of archery. The bow of Yabusame which I posted last week actually uses this bow.

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