by: spearcarrier

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Added 11 years ago

This version of Colleen is the final update I plan to do for this Genesis model. She's been fixed up, made more streamline, given some corrections, and …

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Format: Daz Studio *.daz *.ds *.dsb, Daz Studio 4.5 ( *.duf *.dson)
Categories: 3D Models, Anime, Characters, Female, Morphs
Usage Rights: Commercial renders OK, contents not for redistribution
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Spearcarrier's Ghostfox (10 years ago)Inappropriate?
@Tramp_Graphics: Well, unfortunately I don't know how. A member here did that with another character I was making, but I have since lost their contact information in a computer crash and can't track 'em down.
Tramp_Graphics (10 years ago)Inappropriate?
Is there any chance of you making a separate head morph from this character?
Spearcarrier's Ghostfox (10 years ago)Inappropriate?
Jrf84, Hi there. I actually make Blossom. We thought we had cleared that from Colleen, so we'll test further and see what's going on. Thanks for the heads up!
jrf84 (10 years ago)Inappropriate?
Hello,I just downloaded this and it states it wants a dsf file
/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis/Base/Morphs/Spearcarrier/Blossom/Blossom Head.dsf
Could you tell me who actually makes blossom? I checked your website and elsewhere and didn't find it there.

Spearcarrier's Ghostfox (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
Just uploaded updated files. Hopefully this fixes some things. Thanks, guys, for testing for me.
Spearcarrier's Ghostfox (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
dakkuan: there are two files in the zip. One is the dial up morph and one is the full on character that will want the skin. I included the full on character so you could have the subsurface settings. Interesting it's wanting the crotchf.dsf morph because that's been deleted from my system. I'll have to poke at it and find out what's going on.

howy2012: well... I'm far more …
dakkuuan (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
Nice toon morph. Just to let you know, it's saved as a full on character, so it tries to load the skin you used. It also wants this morph: /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis/Base/Morphs/Spearcarrier/Regina/crotchf.dsf. Otherwise it did work fine though. If you save her as a shape preset it should at least stop it from asking for the skin. Not sure about the other file though.
howy2012 (11 years ago)Inappropriate?
Great job!
Ever think about doing a tutorial on how to design in Blender for Daz/Poser?

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