This is a BETA version of the third release of my Smart+ Stuff For Poser.
It only contains the files that have been changed or added since Release 2.
This is the big step forward... a new HANDPROXYDATA section has been added to the Smart+ datafile This contains information that allows the PropGoto+ pose file/script to place ordinary props directly into either hand of a huge variety of figures.
Of course, it will only work for props which have the appropriate data recorded in the file. I've included a dozen props in this beta release - the sword from dyald's M4 Fable set, the Magus Staff and Journeyer Scout Katana that came with DAZ Studio 4, the swords that came with Poser 9,and most of the "Bashers And Bludgeons" that I got free at DAZ a while back.
The required data is rather minimal - e.g. this is ALL the data for the M4 Fable sword:
M4 Fable Sword (dyald),Sword,Sword,0.0,-90.0,90.0,0.0,-0.334,-0.09
And I've included stuff so that you can get the required data for props aren't yet in the datafile.The process is now much simpler - see the second image posted on this page and check the readme.
And just a reminder - this is a beta release. It should work fine (tested in Poser 6/9 on a Windows 7 PC), but there will almost certainly be problems I haven't spotted. lthough I've tried my best to make it as user-friendly and robust as possible, the code has been rather lashed together, and there may be unforeseen behaviour - e.g. it may cause Poser to crash or lock up.
For more information see the associated thread on either the DAZ Freepozitory forum or the Renderosity forum. « Less
Most of your stuff I don't understand. Nooby language would be handy.
Like your Poser world dome. Looks super cool, but I don't know if i just can load it and load it as a prop.
But your MT5 are super apriciated! That I learned already.
I'll try using more.