by: zarcondeegrissom

Added 9 years ago
Format: Daz Studio 4.5 ( *.duf *.dson)
Categories: Materials
Usage Rights: Unrestricted use
zarcondeegrissom »
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Added 9 years ago
There is nothing like sitting there for multiple minutes at a time, waiting for spot-renders to START doing something, as your trying to get cloths to …
more »Format: Daz Studio 4.5 ( *.duf *.dson)
Categories: Materials
Usage Rights: Unrestricted use
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Raters : 15 Views: 3,068 Downloaded: 803 |
Very good thanks, yes I am using 3Delight a lot more than iray. Often I am only using Basic Open GL so its just whats in the preview as I am making an animation and 1 frame a second is FINE versus minutes.
This should be nice for the next step in detail where I want to animate 3Delight again. Irays just too detailed for the final product I am aiming at being "rough more …
FWSA Bambi, FW Eve, FW Faylinn, FWSA Keshi, FWSA Pebbel, FW Phoebe, FW Nikki, FW Serena, FWSA Wachiwi, etc�
(the common denominator, they all use the "daz default more …