The attached set of files is my attempt to mirror real eye geometry as closely as possible along with the correct surface properties.
Included in the download file are 3 morphs for each eye:
CorneaMod reshapes the cornea to match that of a somewhat near sighted eye. The over exaggeration helps with the appearance of realism.
IrisMod completely flattens the surface of the iris. The outer edge of the iris is also extended and curved below the sclera. The default iris is quite large so I have set the EyeIrisSize morph (Morphs++) to -0.30 for my renders.
IrisModLeft(Right)NoRing stretches the iris mesh outward so that the outer edge of the image map is pulled out of view. This allows us to control the dark ring where the iris and the sclera meet.
In addition to these morphs there are 3 shader files.
EC_Cornea is purely a procedural shader and sets the surface reflective properties of the mesh as well as the refraction that magnified the iris.
EC_Iris shader includes a starter texture map but almost all iris textures will work with this kit. To load your own click on the color node and simply load the map you want to use. The bump map is divided between a normal map and a texture map. The texture map should be the one that comes with the color image that you loaded. The normal map helps produce the caustics when the eye is lit room the side. You can set the normal map to zero if you are lighting from the front since it will darken those areas. This shader should also be applied to the pupil.
EC_Sclera shader includes a starter texture map but once again you can load any that you like. There is also an internal alpha map which fades the inner edge of the sclera into the iris texture map behind. The bump map is internal and creates the bumpy surface of the sclera. Finally, the reflection node sets up the surface reflection. Keeping this at the same value as the cornea reflection seems to work the best. You will probably have to adjust both reflection settings to suite the lighting in your scene.
I have added the maps seperatly for those wanting to use this in Studio and Poser. The zip now contains two zip files: Maps for Poser and Studio with the maps and with the pz3 delta morphs and 3 Carrara shafer files. The sclera bump map and the sclera mask work in conjunction with the morphs so at the very least those will need to be used in your sclera material. Carrara users only need to load the cbr shader files.
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