by: pcaparrosc
Added 7 years ago
Format: OBJ (.obj), Poser (.pz3, .pp2)
Categories: Fantasy, Furniture, Objects
Usage Rights: Unrestricted use
Pedro Caparros »
Portfolio | Gallery | More 3D Models |Added 7 years ago
3d model of a fantasy ballot box. According to generally well-informed sources, an electoral ballot similar to this would be about to be approved by the …
Format: OBJ (.obj), Poser (.pz3, .pp2)
Categories: Fantasy, Furniture, Objects
Usage Rights: Unrestricted use
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Antes de nada darte las gracias por todos los modelos tan fantasticos que creas. ( crec que no es el lloc per a discutir aquest tema, aso con tu dius es un problema molt serios que afecte a tost es que creiem que tots units feim més força en un mont tant desigual.)
Si lo que quieres es montar un pollo, como tu amiga Ines, no creo que sea este el foro adecuado.
This �peacefu� people try to enter in the parlament using the force just 2 days ago,, y must to sign it...
I am versus violence, but from both sides
And who likes the monarchy, the next time the question is submitted to election, to vote for the next Borbon. It's not my case.