by: pcaparrosc

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Added 7 years ago

3d model of a fantasy ballot box. According to generally well-informed sources, an electoral ballot similar to this would be about to be approved by the …

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Format: OBJ (.obj), Poser (.pz3, .pp2)
Categories: Fantasy, Furniture, Objects
Usage Rights: Unrestricted use
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JOSFBI (4 years ago)Inappropriate?
Bon dia Andres.
Antes de nada darte las gracias por todos los modelos tan fantasticos que creas. ( crec que no es el lloc per a discutir aquest tema, aso con tu dius es un problema molt serios que afecte a tost es que creiem que tots units feim més força en un mont tant desigual.)
Crawler76 (6 years ago)Inappropriate?
Te pido perdón si te he podido ofender, el modelo ni me gusta ni me disgusta, otros trabajos tuyos me encantan, los cazas y te felicito por tu impresionante trabajo. Te doy toda la razón, este no es lugar para discutir de algo que ni a ti ni a mi nos va a aportar nada... te pido perdon de nuevo y te animo a que sigas con tu gran trabajo
Pedro Caparros (6 years ago)Inappropriate?
@ Crawler76 Vale, queda claro que no te gusta mi modelo.
Si lo que quieres es montar un pollo, como tu amiga Ines, no creo que sea este el foro adecuado.
Crawler76 (6 years ago)Inappropriate?
This �peaceful� people was trying a ilegal referendum versus the law.... the police was trying to do their work and they resist.... it was the problem.
This �peacefu� people try to enter in the parlament using the force just 2 days ago,, y must to sign it...
I am versus violence, but from both sides
Pedro Caparros (6 years ago)Inappropriate?
@Crawler76 Democracy? Stealing urns and repressing peaceful voters with truncheons and rubber bullets?
Crawler76 (6 years ago)Inappropriate?
People that dont born in Spain must to study the histry before talk about catalonian problem.... King Juan Carlos end with the franquism in Spain and make start of the democracy....
Pedro Caparros (7 years ago)Inappropriate?
@mmorao: I have not missed any votes either. That is why I will also vote next Sunday.
And who likes the monarchy, the next time the question is submitted to election, to vote for the next Borbon. It's not my case.
mmorao (7 years ago)Inappropriate?
Hi Pwdro, I was born and raised under a dictatorship, and when that was finally abolished and I was able to vote freely I never missed one election. And I remember well the way Rey Juan Carlos I threw his weight about to hammer democracy into the hard ground of Franquist Spain. What your model shows is is something that saddens me.

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