by: dumbuser

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Added 7 years ago

FaceGen makes the eyelids look a little bit oddly when eyes are closed.

*Updated with material presets for eyelids.

Appears at My Library--> Presets--> … more »

Format: Daz Studio 4.5 ( *.duf *.dson), JPG (.jpg, .jpeg)
Categories: Characters, Female, Morphs, Textures
Usage Rights: Unrestricted use
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Downloaded: 3,064

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StarLite Moon (2 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you very much
cocoa51 (3 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank You!!
Dwjlien (4 years ago)Inappropriate?
Fabulous, ty.
Any chance of a g8 version please?
jeremywall (4 years ago)Inappropriate?
:D thanks so much she looks amazing
jeremywall (4 years ago)Inappropriate?
:D thanks so much she looks amazing
jeremywall (4 years ago)Inappropriate?
:D thanks so much she looks amazing
jeremywall (4 years ago)Inappropriate?
:D thanks so much she looks amazing
jeremywall (4 years ago)Inappropriate?
:D thanks so much she looks amazing
jeremywall (4 years ago)Inappropriate?
:D thanks so much she looks amazing
jeremywall (4 years ago)Inappropriate?
:D thanks so much she looks amazing
jeremywall (4 years ago)Inappropriate?
:D thanks so much she looks amazing
jeremywall (4 years ago)Inappropriate?
:D thanks so much she looks amazing
jeremywall (4 years ago)Inappropriate?
:D thanks so much she looks amazing
Simidae (5 years ago)Inappropriate?
Any chance of a G8 update? I've been trying with not great results.
aquatick (6 years ago)Inappropriate?
:D Thank you!
Gendragon's Mystical World (6 years ago)Inappropriate?
Very nice! Thanks!
Jan (6 years ago)Inappropriate?
I get so excited when looking at your items and downloading I forget to thank you, so here's a humongous THANK YOU for all your amazing creations. I am loving just looking around and its all just too wonderful. Jan
bcharr (6 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you very much !!
Stormr (7 years ago)Inappropriate?
Very nice. Looka almost exactly like her. I do alot of commercial type animations on my site. Nothing big and expensive, just for fun. Would you mind if I use her alongside one of my regular girls from time to time?
Nomad of Norad (7 years ago)Inappropriate?
Nice. (Grabs it, and several others.) What set is that in the first image? It looks interesting.
sametra (7 years ago)Inappropriate?
thanks so much
bambooji (7 years ago)Inappropriate?
Wow.... she is gorgeous! Another find piece of work! Thank you for sharing! ;)
madpotato (7 years ago)Inappropriate?
now shes working thanks for update!! if you get any spare time could you try maisie williams from game of thrones (arya stark) and evanna lynch from harry potter (luna lovegood), the stuff you make is miles better than stuff available to buy !
madpotato (7 years ago)Inappropriate?
now shes working thanks for update!! if you get any spare time could you try maisie williams from game of thrones (arya stark) and evanna lynch from harry potter (luna lovegood), the stuff you make is miles better than stuff available to buy !
AstReiner (7 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thanks for this update.
dumbuser (7 years ago)Inappropriate?
Fixed and updated. The problem was with letter "� ë", or "e" with two dots on top. Sometimes it makes a total gibberish on this site too.
dumbuser (7 years ago)Inappropriate?
Thank you chinchin45 for letting me know about the issue!
madpotato (7 years ago)Inappropriate?
i love her great and thank you , im struggling to get her to load properly tho it says the morphs are missing but ive checked and there in the right area
dumbuser (7 years ago)Inappropriate?
Yes, i do requests, if I find a decent picture, if the character gives me an interest and especially if the asker is a contributor itself. In this case all three conditions were met! I'm not happy about the result of Erica Durance character i made and i did not like it too so i will not post that one.
AuroraMoon (7 years ago)Inappropriate?
She's so pretty! I was wondering, do you take requests? Because I really want somebody to do Melissa Benoist and Erica Durance, but most people I see only ever want to do generic beauties instead of beauties with unique faces.
dazfan2014 (7 years ago)Inappropriate?
I must be doing something wrong. I can't get her to load.
Gerardfelix (7 years ago)Inappropriate?
Very nice, thank you so much.
digi (7 years ago)Inappropriate?
thank you - nice character again
Greymom (7 years ago)Inappropriate?
Very nice character - thanks!!
dumbuser (7 years ago)Inappropriate?
I didn't mean to stop, yet :D
I'm very grateful to all who appreciate my works!
ChrisKBS (7 years ago)Inappropriate?
Don't stop on creating characters, focuses you on original one please !
This one is great, and thanks for the texture fix ! :)
mininessie (7 years ago)Inappropriate?

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