by: geoffix

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Added 6 years ago

La Femme Irides Convex

A morph injection pose to change the La Femme figure's irides (the iris of each eye) from concave to flat or convex.

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Format: Poser (.p2z)
Usage Rights: Unrestricted use
Categories: Anatomy, Characters, Female, Morphs, Poses
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xxxaliens (6 years ago)Inappropriate?
@GeoffIX That's what I needed to hear. Even though it's a "free" figure, you would figure they wouldn't have promos for something that hadn't been implemented.
an0malaus (6 years ago)Inappropriate?
@xxxaliens sorry, the eye surface material covers the space where the cornea would be. It's not set by default with corneal refraction. Blackhearted has a free, beta cornea prop on Renderosity which provides proper corneas with refraction.
xxxaliens (6 years ago)Inappropriate?
@GeoffIX I really didn't need an anatomy lesson, I was just asking if the refraction that is touted for the figured worked. I haven't gotten the figure myself, and was like "okay..." when I saw what they had done in this regards, and was wondering if their decision actually worked for other users.

Is there a cornea suface on the figure as well? Because the figure's more …
an0malaus (6 years ago)Inappropriate?
@xxxaliens to further clarify, the iris, or coloured part of the eye around the pupil, just blocks too much light from entering the eye. It doesn't refract the light itself, but the cornea (or EyeSurface material) in front of it does most of the refraction to form an image on the retina which transmits what we see to the brain's visual cortex. The image we see of an iris from outside is more …
an0malaus (6 years ago)Inappropriate?
@xxxaliens concave irides were a design decision prior to the availability of ray-traced rendering, to improve the appearance of human eyes. With proper, ray traced refraction, physically realistic eyes should have a flat, or even slightly convex (bulging) iris. A concave human iris is never physically realistic unless it is compensating for some renderer or material deficiency.
xxxaliens (6 years ago)Inappropriate?
Are you saying that the refraction that is supposedly given to the irises of this figure doesn't work? According to the write up this shouldn't be needed.

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