Seven rows and seven stacks of books, with some adjustment sliders to give a bit of variation.
Both the rows and the stacks come in 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, …
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Seven rows and seven stacks of books, with some adjustment sliders to give a bit of variation.
Both the rows and the stacks come in 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, and 1 book sizes.
Each book is a mesh of 88 vertices/86 faces, so the 64 book row/stack each contain 5504 faces.
Three different 1024x1024 texture maps (64 books per map) giving 192 different books in total.
3Delight and Iray material presets to apply each of the three texture maps.
I've also included (in the 'Extra Stuff' folder in the ZIP) a GIMP XCF file (and a Photoshop PSD) containing a template and notes for creating your own textures, plus the text and colours for the three included texture maps on separate layers.
The two included DAZ scripts are run as post-loads every time you load a prop or material preset and simply ensure that the 'Texture Row/Column' integer sliders correctly change the tiling offsets on the material.
For more information see my "A Few Books (Hardbacks) For DAZ Studio 4" thread on the DAZ forums.
Installing The Package:
Copy the contents of the 'DS Content' folder from the zip into your preferred DAZ Studio content folder.
To install the metadata (which is now in the /Runtime/Support folder of your preferred DAZ Studio content folder):
- In DAZ Studio open the context menu from the Content Library.
- Select 'Content DB Maintenance...'
- Tick just the 'Re-import Metadata...' box and click 'Accept'
- On the 'Import Metadata' dialogue find 'Books (64 Book Mapping)' under 'All Products' and make sure that it is the only item on that dialogue that has a tick.
- Click 'Accept'
- You should now see 'Books (64 Book Mapping)' under 'Content Library >Products > B'
- On 'Smart Content > Products' (and/or 'Smart Content > Files') click the 'Props' category to see the books.
If you want to make your own textures copy the XCF or PSD from the 'Extra Stuff' folder of the zip to wherever you like. « Less