I was off work today with terrible cold/flu symptoms, but couldn't resist a few hours of sipping warm lemonade and playing with DAZ. This picture was inspired by the amazing untitled 2D image by an artist called
glooh here on DA (please check them out in the search box as the link isn't working for some reason). Ever since seeing this image, it reminded me of personal therapy and the counsellor dipping into your head to sort out all your problems. But today, I just wanted somebody to reach into my head and give my sinuses a good clear out.
So I set about using the props that I had to create the closest thing I could and I have to say, I'm really pleased.
Special thanks to RumenD for his free Olympia high heels. They needed a little smoothing modifier, but they worked a treat. The clipboard I made from scratch scaling some cubes.
I am considering show some work in progress pictures over on my Patreon if anybody is interested.
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