Brian’s Gallery
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location: United states, st paul, mn, earth, solar system, milky way galaxy, virgo cluster, universe
Member Type: Enthusiast
Expertise: 3d creation and etc
Tools: 3ds max 2022, daz3d, hexagon, etc

I am an austic adult, and have mental illness, I am a lone wolf personality among other traits. I am currently looking to find that someone I can fall in love with and (maybe) have kids with. As of right now, I am also 43, I have been misdosed with a adhd among other things, and stimatistised and looked down upon from needing mental health badly enough that I've called 4 help myself *sigh* but at least I know what to do when I need help. I have recently unmasked about my autism and it's such a feeling of relief since I don't feel the need 2 try 2 fit in or try 2 comensate for every1 else's standard. 4 autisctic people as I already know, it's really draining 2 try 2 fit in with neutel-typical socity, it's easier 2 tell your story and spread your story, so any1 with them or only 1, do your best 2 tell your people your story and how things are 4 u, they will never know until u tell them! Along with other mental and issues, tell all your friends/family/doctors/etc how ur life is day by day, otherwise they won't know how u feel. If any1 is interested, please go 2 youtube and search for "psych2go" and "autism from the inside" they both have really good topics, and 4 those scientific, look for kyle hill's channel and "because science" (the 1's with him, new girl sux imo) Oh yes, just forgot, the end times are near, so b ready to dienat ANY time.... cms will kill all the interenet will go down along with the rest of tech, and the magnetic poles will shift soon, if that wasn't bad enough, a dino size killer is coming very soon, so...if the pole shifts don't kill us, the dino killer will... These are the end times ppl, pray now, cause you will die soon, and it's gonna be VERY soon....hope this doesn't rule your day tries to do marvin the robot's voice from hitcherhrt's guide... very sorry for ruinging your day, but it's been coming soon for a long time, nasa and the govt are downplaying it so ppl don't know their going to die...sorry ppl...

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pointed cross
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