This was just a quick test of the Warpy Cube ( ).
The cube moves about 40 to 80 feet over the 10 seconds of the video - I think that's a realistic speed for an 8 foot amoeboid cube ?
The clouds nodes used for the marble texture and the displacement are both in global coordinates (this means that the pattern of each cloud node is fixed in 3D space - e.g. the value of cloud node A at a fixed point in 3D space is a fixed value). For each frame the shader is recalculated. Each point on the cube is roughly 2-3 inches away from where it was on the previous frame. The change in the values of the clouds nodes at this scale is quite gradual because of the settings I used, and thus the changes in displacement appear fairly smooth. If you watch the black and white pattern on the cube you should be able to see that the cube is actually moving through a black and white pattern that is fixed in 3D space.
In addition to moving the cube I've also animated the Displacement value on the PoserSurface - it starts as 0.0 inches and finishes as 92 inches ! « Less